The Orion SpaceProbe II 76mm AZ Reflector Telescope’s 3″ aperture (or diameter) gathers a good amount of light from the night sky, for bright and detailed views of celestial wonders such as the Moon, bright planets, and star clusters.
The telescope’s focal length is 700mm (f/9.2). The 25mm eyepiece will yield 28x power magnification while the 10mm eyepiece boosts the magnification up to 70x power for closer looks.
Use the included Orion MoonMap 260 to learn more about the lunar features you see in the telescope. This MoonMap includes the locations and names of over 260 features on the Moon such as craters, mountains, valleys, “seas” and will show you where various spacecraft have landed on the Moon’s surface.
The telescope comes with an altazimuth mount which allows simple up/down and left/right motion. (Like all reflector telescopes, this telescope is not recommended for terrestrial viewing on land as the images will not be right-side up.)
The telescope kit includes:
- Partially assembled Orion SpaceProbe II telescope
- One 10mm anti-reflection coated 1.25″ Kellner telescope eyepiece
- One 25mm anti-reflection coated 1.25″ Kellner telescope eyepiece
- An assembly tray
- Two yoke knobs
- A red dot sight
- Laminated Orion MoonMap 260
- Universal cell phone adapter mount with instructions
- Instruction manual
- One large carrying case with two small bags inside
- You’ll need to finish assembling the telescope before you can use it
- Orion SpaceProbe II telescope manual
- Orion’s assembly video – start video at 4:46 to show how to connect the yoke mount and optical tube
- Orion’s video overview of the SpaceProbe II telescope
- Read the instruction manual
- Assemble the telescope:
- Attach the accessory tray to the tripod leg brace (Manual – page 2 – Assembly step 5 – figure 6)
- Secure the optical tube to the altazimuth yoke mount with 2 yoke knobs (Manual page 2 – Assembly step 6 – figures 8a, 8b and 8c)
- Attach the red dot finder scope on the optical tube (Manual – page 4 – Assembly step 8 – figure 20)
- Attach the 25mm eyepiece to start (Manual page 4 – Assembly step 9 – figure 11)
- Following an alignment procedure, you can use the red dot sight to accurately aim the telescope at objects in the sky like the Moon and bright planets. Once aligned with the telescope, just turn on the red dot sight and peer through the small circular viewing window so you see the red dot, and move the telescope until the red dot is on the object you want to see. (Manual – page 4)
- This item may be borrowed for three weeks and can’t be renewed.
- Borrower must be a FCL patron aged 18 or older with an account in good standing (no unresolved bills); please be aware that courtesy Teacher and Student cards are not eligible to borrow Things.
- This item must be returned to the FCL circulation desk (not in a book drop).
- If you have additional questions about borrowing this item, please review our Library of Things Lending Policy.